Thursday, April 19, 2012

No Shortcuts.


Its been a while. I'm getting rusty in this writing business.

well, i was urged to write this while i was filling out my MARA application form.
Yes, I get inspiration when i'm trying to run away from completing a task.
= =" Dont pretend you haven't done it at least once. *I got my eyes on you*

This topic is simple, ABOUT EFFORT.

you know what's annoying (and i say this in a non-annoyed way)?


Senanglah kau, kau dah pandai.

Tak payah baca buku, kau dah memang pandai.

Genius macam dia, tak belajar pun dapat score.

Kau belajar sikit aje, tapi result gempak. Aku rasa tak aci.

Susahnya nak buat kerja ni. Tolong buatkan :) nanti aku belajar time salin kau punya.



Mesti ada yang pernah cakap macam ni or pernah dengar macam ni kan? (who am i kidding, sometimes i say it = = ooppss).

In reality, are you sure brilliant people don't work harder than you? Are you so sure, you'd chop your arms off if you were wrong? AHA, see; you're not sure. 
It depends on how you define hard work. If you think hard work is all about reading books and homework, then my dears, you are wrong.

Quality is better than quantity. So true, man.

Lets think. Think think think.
which is better?

1. A student that doesnt finish all of his homework but does it himself OR a student who finishes all of his homework but copies from others?

2. A student that studies for 8 hours a day but is constantly distracted OR a student who studies 2 hours with full focus?

3. A student that pays full attention in class and takes notes but spends the rest of the evening sleeping OR a student that doesn't pay attention in class but makes notes in the evenings?

4. A student that sleeps early every night but stays focus during prep hours or a student that stays up late every night but goofs off during prep hours?

You see, there are many ways to define hard work. People have different ways of working hard.

Student A pays attention in class (understand lesson) and relaxes the rest of the day while Student B goofs off in class (doesnt understand lesson) and spends the rest of the day studying to understand the topic.

Both are working just as hard. It only appears that student B is working harder but he isnt.
Just because Student B had the same lesson as Student A, doesnt mean he was working.
Just because Student B was there, doesn't mean he was WORKING.

See, it's just a way of seeing things.
Geniuses are built not born.
Einstein did not wake up a genius. He put effort, too (although he had the unusual advantage of increase of number of certain cells in his brain....but that's not the point).

If you want EXPENSIVE STUFF, bring out the money.

there's no way that you can bring 20 cents to a salesperson and say "Oh, i want the Lamborghini."

BHAHA. seriously? a Lamborghini? BHAHAHA

Ha-ha, if you still want to hope for stuff like that to happen; there are a few options.

1. kitchen. knife. slit your throat.
2. cliff. jump.
3. stand in the middle of the road. wait.

So conclusion, nothing AWESOME comes EASY. 


oh wait. on second thought, tak baik galakkan orang bunuh diri. =D

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