Tuesday, February 21, 2012



Hari ini saya nak cakap tentang isu yang agak sensitive sikit, jadi saya mohon, everybody keep your mind open.

This is not targeted towards anybody specifically, just to those who consider themselves muslims.
Just a reminder for you and I, okay. ^_^
I’ll start off cool this time. *hihi beaming*

Well that’s said, so how does it go?

Hmmm, everybody has their approach to handling kes mengenai aurat ni.

Some, daripada tak pakai tudung, terus pakai tutup litup segala, siap berpurdah.
Orang macam nih, Alhamdulillah lah. Dia ada kekuatan nak buat macam tu.

But how about orang yang common macam kita ni? Tengok tudung labuh, purdah, taking the first step pun gerun. Ya tak?

Well, never say never. Allah sahaja yang mengetahui.

I remember telling my sister (who is my bestfriend since we are only one year apart),

“Kak Long rasa sampai bila-bila pun Kak Long takkan pakai tudung labuh yang bulat tu. Setakat pakai tudung tiga segi yang labuh ni, okay lah.”

Well, how ironic, a couple of days later

 “Mak, Kak Long nak pakai tudung labuh bulat”.


We don’t know how things will turn out or how our path with unravel. 
 Kita kan cuma hamba Allah. ^_^ (that is not an excuse to just redha and just let things happen)
So, to those yang rasa macam nak take a further step, but don’t know where to step, hopefully this will help you.

Muslimah sekalian (Lelaki scroll ke bawah lagi).

1.       1. Make sure that whatever parts that are already covered as it is, is covered PROPERLY.
Example 1; yang sememangnya pakai tudung, pastikan tak jarang dan labuh yang cukup syarat etc.
Example 2; kalau yang tak pakai tudung tu, pastikan baju yang pakai tak ketat. (I am not saying that I am encouraging you to feel okay about not wearing the hijab, I am just trying to make the transition less-drastic to you so you don’t feel it that much. Okay? ^_^)

2     2. Take steps as drastic as you can handle. If you can’t go from not wearing a hijab, to wearing a niqab (its isnt compulsory) in one day, don’t. Baby steps are okay, just keep it moving. Try to find the strength okay, please. =)

okay, this is WAY too colourful
3.       3. Don’t worry about not being stylish and all. There is no Hadith or such (correct if wrong) that states pakai tudung labuh bulat and jubah as menutup aurat. The focus is on the action, not how we do it. =) sama juga, kita tak wajib pakai stoking, but find a way somehow to cover your feet as they are a part of your aurah. To some people, tudung labuh yang jahit depan tu tak nampak bergaya lah, apa lah. I certainly don’t mind because I never was the kind yang suka bergaya sangat but then, some nak melaram kan? 

So macam nih, perempuan sekarang susah nak cari baju kan? Baju yang labuh melepasi paras punggung tu, ya Allah, susahnya nak cari, melainkan baju muslimah (which honestly, I’m not much of a fan of). But thank goodness, akhir2 ini, banyak pula yang jual fesyen baju yang labuh (tapi lengan pendek tu). So dears, improvise, use your imagination, ada caranya tu.

Untuk bahagian tudung, dulu fesyen tudung bawal yang *swish *swish* dua hujung tudung tu pin jadi butterfly or pin ke belakang je kan? 
So there wasn’t much to do because tudung bawal yang tersedia kecil tu akan jadi lagi pendek bila buat macam tu. Apa jawapannya? SELENDANG.

Selendang Pashmina is currently in the trend kan (correct me if I’m wrong)?
When I started working in UKM, I wore the pashmina to work.
Went to bed really late trying to figure out how to wrap it around my head for it to be labuh enough. Then I came up with something.
Maybe I’ll post it on this blog with pictures and everything of how I do it so maybe (if you want) you can use that way of wearing the pashmina. ^_^

Now about trousers, hmm, if you simply cannot resist wearing tight jeans (I am not talking about skinny jeans yah. I’m talking about straight cut), please do find a way of melabuhkan lagi baju. Maybe you can wear those cute mini dresses with a cardigan or something, haha you’re the expert. ^_^

kecik2 lagi dah pandai
Stokings, I don’t know, I find them cute. Haha pakai lah yang berwarna-warni tu. Comel apa.

.       4.Ikhlaskan hati kerana Allah S.W.T. Seronok kan, Allah sayang kita. Hati pun tenang je tau.

.       5. Makeup. Tak tau nak ulas macam mana. Seriously, you are all pretty and lovely as you are. You don’t need all that makeup. Bersederhanalah ye teman-temanku. I quote a friend’s mother “A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear”. Hoho, senyum tu sedekah. Plus, free je. ^_^ Awesome kan?

Muslimin sekalian (there’s really not much to say)

Baju nih, serious smart =)
       1. Saya rasa, tak perlu nak cakap aurat tu bahagian mana because I am pretty sure you know. Guys, future leaders, tunjukkanlah contoh yang baik ye. Aurat lelaki kalau nak dibandingkan dengan aurat perempuan, sangat sedikit (namun bukan alasan untuk dipandang remeh). That’s why it’s a bit frustrating when guys choose to not cover them properly anyway. It’s not much, you can wear those seluar pendek tiga suku  and you can just walk out of your house, without a shirt on (though that would be undeniably inappropriate).
Long pants look fine on you, I mean it =). 
Skinny jeans, hmm (BIG NO), they just look awkward you see (on guys and girls).

     2. Some, not all, like to wear shirts with vulgar words (or carry a similar meaning). It’s definitely not awesome (does this sound harsh? I’m not sure. Sorry =(). By doing that, you’re sending off the wrong message. People try not to judge, but it’s a bit difficult if you are giving them the reason to judge you anyway. What would you say if you saw Ustaz Azhar Idrus walking on the streets wearing a shirt that says “%@*%$!!!”? 
      The symbols show an inappropriate meaning itself (the actual words are out of the question).

3.       3. Kain pelekat. Pakai lah elok2 ye. Ada bahayanya juga. =) I will elaborate no further than that.

The End

So my dear friends, berusahalah ye? Sama-sama lah kita jadi hamba Allah yang bersyukur dengan nikmat rupa paras indah dan cukup sifat dengan cara menutup aurat. 

Kesian dengan orang yang menilai dan bersangka buruk dengan kita. Orang yang baik tetapi tidak berpakaian sedemikian hanya memberikan ruang untuk orang memfitnah sahaja (nanti orang yang memfitnah tu dapat dosa pula).

I don’t mean to offend anybody. Kalau ada yang terasa kerana cara nasihat atau penerangan yang tidak cukup berhemah, saya mohon maaf. Saya cuma hamba yang banyak membuat kesilapan. But I certainly will not apologise when it comes to the message that I am trying to get across. 

PS: I do make mistakes. If I am wrong, you are more than welcome to correct me ^_^. I’d be cool with that, TOTALLY COOL. =)


  1. OMG .. I like your blog so much . Banyak sangat ilmu yang dah saya dapat . Termasuklah dengan perkataan English yang akak tulis .. You are the best . Tapi nak tanya one question. Macam mana akak belajar BI erk ?? Saya seorang yang lemah sangat dalam BI . Boleh akak bagitau sedikit tip /??? Thank you ..

    1. Thanks so much. You're so sweet. ^_^ tips, hmm.
      I like to read a lot, so yeah that's pretty good advice.
      And most importantly, SPEAK.
      Don't worry if you're not always right. Shame on us if we stay ignorant because we are too afraid to make mistakes.

      Good luck ^_^

    2. Oh thank you so much for your tips . In shaa allah .. I'll strive hardly to get the success . (i wish you'll correct my english grammar cause I know , . I always make a 'broken english' . ) Urm , actually , your sister (Nabilah) is my senior when she was at SEMESRA . She is my leader dorm . I miss her so much . Sampaikan salam Assalammualaikum at her okay , thank you . Also , I know about your blog is because my senior named Syahindah ever find you . She said that you are very intelligent girl . Ahh .. I'm so proud because antara org yang terdekat juga kiranya akak ney .. Heheeh .. Okay I got to go now . Assalammualaikum :)


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