Thursday, January 26, 2012

My First Day

Mom was shocked when i called her yesterday and asked her to make me a BIG BIG hijab.
tudung labuh bulat lah senang cerita.
I'm not sure why i want to do this, i just feel like it.

Yes, i admit, one part of the idea scares intimidates me, I'm not sure i am THAT strong.
Kids who go to sekolah agama, dah terbiasa. Alhamdulillah lah kalau macam tu.
Orang macam saya nih, setakat pergi sekolah agama 'extra' selepas sesi sekolah habis tu pon, tak pernah = =".
Ilmu pun tidaklah seberapa, but hey, it doesnt hurt to learn, ken?

 At work
Walking up the stairs, i started to get nervous, REAL NERVOUS.
i wasnt sure what to expect, i wasnt ready yet,
putting it on for the first time this morning, i took a deep breath and actually felt OKAY.
I should do this, its good for me.
InsyaAllah jadi peringatan untuk diri saya untuk mendekatkan diri lagi dengan Allah SWT.
 Hari ini, as usual, i asked Encik Hata too open the locked office doors.
He acted different, didnt even look at my face.
Alhamdulillah ^_^
its only 10 in the morning, so i cant say much about what happened, but now, im feeling AWESOME.

Like i could conquer the world (okay maybe not for real = = ).

But i feel peaceful. Seronok.

PS: Dad's face was priceless, he couldnt stop smiling. BHAHA. Ada-ada je yang sorang nih. haha

in the mood, nak tulis Pergaulan Part Two lah. =D


  1. haha . ami ami !
    seriously bila pakai benda yang tak biasa tu ,
    mula2 rasa takut sgt . mmg nervous memikirkan mcm mana penerimaan org .
    but then , bila dah pakai tu
    ada somekind of feeling yg indescribable .
    rasa sgt2 safe . kan kan ? :D
    rasa peaceful , happy , protected etc etc HAHA
    hee . i feel the same too :)


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