Friday, February 10, 2012

Judging A Book By Its Cover


Cantik tak bererti indah, tak juga bererti sampah.
'Hodoh' tak bererti sampah, tak juga bererti indah.
Crappy poetry but its better than nothing. Hee =)

"I like being her friend because she is pretty"

'I'd rather not be his friend because he is super FAT"

As cruel as it seems, yes, some people do think like this and it is harsh.
ah-ha, the world is full of tricks and lies. Dont get caught up, please.

Everything happens for a reason, stick to this and life is almost a breeze. :)
Semua hamba Allah ada konfik masing-masing, some smaller than others, some larger.
Allah tau kemampuan kita, kalau Allah uji, maksudnya WE CAN.
Rupa paras yang indah merupakan suatu ujian,
Rupa paras yang 'hodoh' juga merupakan ujian.
Tetapi sebetulnya, semua ciptaan Allah itu indah.
There's bound to be that silver lining somewhere.
Ada tu, you just have to stay positive. ^_^

Sometimes, it's pretty tiring sitting with people who spend their days miserably, and keep giving negative remarks on their appearances. things like;

i'm not pretty.

i'm ugly.

i'm fat.

My skintone is like a burnt frying pan. (ohoho, i've heard this one, seriously).

Penat, kan? Trying to convince a person that he/she is not dead ugly, is hard when they are convinced that they are.
You feel bad and want to help, but end up in an awkward silence (crickets maybe?) because you're out of words.
Happened to you? o.o" OMO.

So, what have i to say about this?

try thinking about your condition and how it can benefit you.
you must be thinking, "Ami is talking rubbish".
well, i may be, but i may also not be.

Say you're not that pretty (ugly is a harsh word, folks).
apa kelebihannya?
 Lebih terhindar daripada perbuatan maksiat, ken?
Normally, orang2 yang good-looking ni lebih terdorong (doesnt apply for all the good-looking people, just some) untuk buat perkara yang tak elok sebab dah lemas dengan pujian.

Orang indah rupa paras lebih terdorong untuk ber'couple' waktu zaman belajar sebab semua orang terkejar-kejar, almaklumlah, kecik2 pemikiran masih lagi cetek (tak ada niat menyindir lansung, SERIOUS).

Then comes the phenomena tentang pemakaian baju yang tidak menutup aurat.
How many times do we come across iklan such as 'London Weight Management'?
Look at the before and after pictures.
Aurah perfectly covered when gemuk, tapi bila dah kurus, pakai seksi2. =(
Maybe ada sebab Allah bagi kita gemuk.
Bersyukurlah sebab gemuk.
Yes, memanglah gemuk tu tak sihat tapi sometimes, gemuk tu bagus (okay, ayat ni bunyinya pelik).

Kepada yang berupa paras indah, manfaatkanlah dengan sebaiknya.
Looks play a good role in communication,
insyaAllah, dakwah dan ilmu lebih mudah disampaikan.
Berdoalah agar dijauhi daripada godaan syaitan dan berdoalah diberi kekuatan untuk mengingati Allah SWT.

Do not judge a book by its cover.
Kalau kita tengok orang tak tutup aurat dengan elok, ber'couple' sana-sini, jangan nilai dengan sewenang-wenangnya.
Kita tak tahu apa-apa.
Kita yang rupa tidak seberapa, tak ada hak nak pinggir kawan kita (pretty/handsome) sebab ber'couple' (contohnya laa).
Mana tahu, kalau kita dikurniakan dengan rupa paras yang seeloknya, kita lebih teruk daripadanya?
Doakanlah. Ajaklah buat benda2 yang elok. Seronok juga =).

At the end of the day, people don't care about looks.
Looks may be the reason people get interested in the first place, but it's what's on the inside that makes them stay, correct?

A pretty heart is better than a pretty face,
if you have both, alhamdulillah. 
Bersyukurlah, gunakan dengan sebaiknya.

We are who we choose to be, not who we were born as.
There's no need to be proud of a pretty face, or be ashamed of a 'less-pretty' face because it was something you got, without any effort at all.
Be proud of what we have become, because we worked hard to get there.
Fair enough? ^_^

PS: sorry guna perkataan GEMUK , n HODOH n UGLY. dont mean anything, let alone to discriminate. i just want to be clear.



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