Thursday, October 25, 2012

Say "I Am Not Giving Up"

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all of you.


It's easy to give up, isn't it?
It really is.

"Bleh, I'm not going to bother with this anymore. I'm going to fail anyway."

"Bosan aku dengan benda nih. Nak tidur lah."

"Assignment susah. Nanti tiru saja lah."

It takes no energy to let go of something you don't want. None at all.
So, if you want to give up, then gladly do so.
But only after you finish reading this post (don't give up on me, though. The post's not that long anyway).

If giving up is easier, then why am i talking you (yes, you, my virtual-reality friends) out of it?
Because it is going to suck for you later (wow, sure didn't bother to save the drama, huh?).

But its true.
By fighting (luchar!), you are freeing yourself from all the 'what-ifs' or 'i wish' or 'i-could-have's.
Nothing is more pathetic than a person saying "i am naturally smart. I just didn't feel like studying at the time." or "I could have been the highest scorer if i tried hard enough. But i didn't."
It doesn't matter whether or not you are 'naturally smart' or the like.
It doesn't matter that you could have succeeded, had you tried hard enough.
What matters is that YOU DIDN'T TRY HARD ENOUGH.
If you like doing something but you can't seem to get a grip on it, or master it, etc; FIGHT!

Giving up is just a ridiculous ideology with no purpose.
Why would we give up?What have we to lose?
What rational reason answers to that?
None, really.
We are just being lazy.

Say "I am not giving up".
Make it a mantra.
Make it a motto. (unless, of course you are fighting for something you don't really want.)
Because you get what you earn and you deserve every bit of it!

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Monday, October 8, 2012

Kelebihan Menutup Aurat (Perempuan)


I am sleepy. I really am.

So, the benefits are (this is in my opinion only. You are free to contradict this if you wish).

Thank you, Allah.
1. We stop feeling self-conscious about our body shape.
When we wear clothes that cover our aurah properly, people won't know how big or small we are.
There's no reason to get all self-conscious about how we look. Being a person who has struggled with eating disorders before, i KNOW what is like to feel self-conscious. This is a way that i feel, Islam liberates us women. 
I've read newspapers and magazines; and i've seen the media bark over how celebrities look (highlighting their non-existing fat). We are taught that beauty has only one definition (skinny? large bust?).THAT IS FALSE. 
You get what i'm trying to say, right?
The key is to be healthy, not to look a specific way.
Wearing loose and draping clothes, we don't get the feeling that anyone is 'ogling' us. (OMO i can't believe i just said that = ="). 
And it is totally true for me. Islam has freed me. I feel FREE. :D

2. Prevents us from getting skin cancer.
HOHO. now you're scared.
This applies for wearing non-sheer clothes and covering our body parts.
Especially in hot countries, it is quite easy to get skin cancer.
Although it doesnt SEEM as fatal as heart cancer or lung cancer, believe me, it is.
PS: It doesnt hurt to wear sunblock either. ^_^

3. Helps to keep our body cool.
Surprised? It's true.

4. It acts as a barrier.
You know some guys that are just terribly annoying, the ones we walk by sometimes that tease uS just because we are young and single ladies (HAHA. now that sounds funny)?
Or perhaps, when we buy something, and the guy at the counter flirts with you (no, i am not being paranoid)?
Well, it helps when we cover our aurah.
It makes sense, right?
Which girl would seem more likely to get a guy to whistle out "Phewwiit" when they walk past?
-A girl that wears a knee-length skirt, with a cute ruffled blouse.
-a girl that wears a hijab which properly covers her chest area and wears a baju kurung?
(I am not at all stereotyping what PROPERLY COVERING AURAH means. These are just examples, okay?)
Some guys are just jerks and don't really care what we are wearing but at least we can be at peace that WE DID NOT CATALYSE their jerk-y behaviour. Right? 

5. A constant reminder of who we are.
We are not perfect. We have our occasional slips that we regret.
Start with something small. Let's say you start with handsocks (those can be pretty cute, no?).
Everytime you catch a glimpse of it, you remind yourself, "i am trying to be a better Muslim day by day".
Subtle; but it works wonders.

6. We are appreciated for who we are on the inside.
This is fair. Certain people are born prettier than others. In this, we have no control over whatsoever.
How we are on the inside, on the other hand, is a variable.
Ambil air wuduk je. ^_^
We can manipulate it, and be better.
(This is no excuse however to appear untidy and unpresentable - that word sounds wrong).
And in Islam, people who have a beautiful heart, ARE beautiful.
Ya Allah, indahnya Islam.
We are who we become. We are the choices we make.

7. Kulit Muka Tak Rosak.
Make-up is not good for you. And it's a waste of time.
You'll be surprised at how little people care.
Got a pimple? It doesn't prove you're an alien. Relax.
Warna kulit tak rata? It's like that for almost every person on the planet.
Eyebags? Get some sleep.
So true.
Got small eyes? So do I. Chill.

8. Kalau pakai baju labuh sampai lutut, iron seluar sekerat saja lah.
Just kidding. Ami, terserlah kemalasan dekat sini. MWAHAHAHA
(Okay just ignore this point, i couldnt help myself XDD).

Okay, Selamat Menutup Aurat!

If there's anything you wish me to help you with, just PM me on Facebook. I always have time for you guys. ^_^


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