Sunday, March 25, 2012

First Things First : Kita Sebagai Remaja


Rasanya dah berzaman tak update blog.
Stuck in writer's block i guess (though i'm not much of a writer).
So ni adalah topik yang nak cakap ni.

Kita Sebagai Remaja.

First things first lah ken, the present.
Maybe everybody is stuck in the 'interview' mood because so many teenagers look at their selves 10 years from now and hope for the best, yet we aren't really making a haste to do anything in the present.
I don't know, i could be wrong.
Teenagers, a lot is expected from us.
We are the so-called future generation (say that in an large echoing voice for a dramatic effect).
And here my point is.....

we are expected to do much more than just get married and give birth to a whole soccer team.
Oh yes, the expectations are big.
Nowadays, teenagers are too eager to get married lah, and apa lah. Slow down, okay.
Its not wrong, it certainly isn't. It's actually a pretty good thing, i consider (but maybe that's just me).
Quote my dad "Kak Long nih kalau zaman Abah, dah ada anak dua dah".
True, but things today don't work like they did back then.
They are a lot more complex, with women fighting for equal rights (i have no say on this) and stuff like that.

So, lets focus on the present okay.
Lets work hard NOW and not cloud our thoughts daydreaming of what is to become of us in the future.
Lets learn and learn and learn (kita ni kan masih muda, banyak lagi ilmu pengetahuan yang perlu dicari).
Jangan dilayan sangat perasaan cintan-cintun tu. is there a guarantee that they will last?

nanti bila dah 20-an (maybe) than, fikirlah kalau nak fikir sgt haha.
but now, belasan tahun nih, jarang ada yang berkahwin (although ada je).

Pendek je post nih.
My brain doesnt function too well when i have a fever.

ps: nanti bila dah sihat, tulis panjang2 ye. ^_^


  1. "Nowadays, teenagers are too eager to get married"

    Susah nk ckp bile remaja jumpa cinta. Tak kisahlah kalau cinta yg dia jumpa tu baik untuknya. Tpi kalau mcm kat media skrg ni smpi nk "berdrama" kene culik la, lari rumah la, apa la bagai, aduyai...

    Setuju dgn post Ami kali ni yg menekankan kita(remaja) msih mude, bnyk lg ilmu pengetahuan dan kemahiran yg perlu dicari..


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