Friday, June 8, 2012

Manage Your Time


I've decided to take a much more robotic approach to blogging than i normally would so i won't end up leaving my blog unattended to for longer-than-usual periods of time.
15 minutes a day, for you and for me.
See, blogging brings more benefits for me than it does for you.
Writing skills and reminders etc

Well anyways, hari ini Ami nak cakap tentang apa agaknya?
Obviously the title gives the answer to that, so lets get started!
Ready? Set? GO!!!

So, everybody knows that managing time is crucial in our lives.
Semua yang kita lakukan setiap hari mesti melibatkan pengurusan masa sebab well, time never stops, right?
And if we want to succeed, we must know how to manage our time. Obviously lah kan?
or else, how would we get anything done?
And it keeps everything organized and organized (i said that two times on purpose).
A clutter-free person is often happier than a clutter-full (i don't even know if this word exists. oh well) person. ---> The Happiness Project propaganda is really getting to me haha

An unmanaged life leads to CLUTTER. lots of it.
Clutter isnt just physical, its also mental.
example: a messy bed is physical clutter while an undone task on your to-do list is mental clutter.
Mental clutter is often underestimated. Tapi selalunya stres datangnya daripada this type of clutter.

Di asrama (for example, TGB ^_^), how often are we stressed about our messy rooms compared to our endless list of homework? i know you know the answer =D
Unfinished homework is just another unfinished task and it adds clutter to our poor tired brains.
We just don't stop thinking about it (hence what i mean by 'brain clutter').
But when we finally finish our homework, we feel satisfied and most importantly, we stop thinking about it (bye bye clutter).

And people always complain on and on about their busy lives about how they can't seem to get anything done.
there is always 'too much to do' and 'not enough time'. Well guess what dear friends, there is always time! And hope, too!

I'm just going to tell you what i do and what i find has worked for me all these years (or baru-baru ni sahaja discover). I'm not at all telling you what you should do, but what i've done to keep myself managed.

1. As soon as given a task, get working on it.

This, i don't do EVERY single time (i get lazy, too) but i try my best.

Example (what happened in TGB): 
a teacher (additional mathematics) teaches a new topic in class and immediately assigns homework for that topic. As soon as she has finished teaching whatever needs to be taught (or she teaches enough for me to understand the rest of the topic), i do that assignment straight away, in class. i don't wait for prep. As long as the additional mathematics period isn't over, i keep doing the exercises. The thing is, i prefer to do my homework while the lesson is still fresh in my mind. That way, i don't waste time having to open up reference books and notes because i still remember the lesson. Kalau tunggu petang-petang nanti (or in some cases, the night before deadline), dah lupa apa yang diajar.

I used to not do my homework at all (sometimes i did but often too late or poorly done) when i was in JESS. In MRSM TGB, it wasn't much of a choice because we had our PNGs to haunt us kalau dapat result teruk so i did my homework then. At first i was overwhelmed sebab tak biasa buat homework (lagi-lagi kalau bergunung macam TGB haha) but then lama-lama, i figured out that when i did my homework as soon as possible (or in between lessons), it didn't seem that i had a lot of homework.

In a nutshell; Get to a task AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Don't procrastinate.

2. Write a To-Do List everyday.

This is to help you keep track of things, so you don't forget to do anything or to be somewhere.
Its pretty much self-explanatory: once you get a task or set up a meeting date, write it down. Once you've completed anything on the list, check it off.

Carry a small notebook for this purpose (or even better, an Agenda). I wouldn't recommend using large and heavy books. It would be much too troublesome to carry around (even if the cover is pretty = =).

And please, if you have a To-Do List, read it. It's not enough writing it down. If you don't read it, how do you expect to be reminded?

3. Practice a flexible time table

I've never been the kind of person that would stick to a daily 'timetable'. This, i'd manage to figure out when i was a primary school student. What i learnt was, to manage time well, you mustn't overly manage it.
What do i mean by that?

Well, when i was in standard 3, my Dad made me a time table. It had everything; from when to eat to when to play. i managed to abide it...... for 3 days.
The thing is, whenever i have a time table, i feel like my life has been planned for me. I feel bound to it, held by heavy chains. As though, i don't have a choice but to oblige. I find whenever i have a time table, my life is less managed than it would be if i didn't have one. It just seemed to me, 'another rule to be broken'.
So when i figured that out, i took a less strangling approach.

Instead of planning daily, i planned weekly. Instead of saying 'i must exercise on every Wednesday, Friday, Sunday and Monday; from 5pm to 6.30 pm', i say 'Try to exercise 7 hours a week'. See what i mean? I had a relatively flexible schedule compared to my previous one. If i had more work to finish or i had a meeting on one day, i could easily put off exercising to another day. It was an easier schedule to stick to.

Of course this doesn't apply for exercising hours only. I just thought it would be an easy example. It works the same way for studying hours.

4. Multitask as much as you can.

Yeah, easy said, do a couple of things at once, to save time. The general rule is not to do 2 things that require high levels of attention.
Example; Trying to memorize historical facts while trying to finish an English essay isn't going to work (but bravo to you if you can).
Trying to recite back historical facts while jogging or eating or folding your laundry would work much better.
Why? You don't really need to think while jogging or eating or folding your laundry. It's not as if you would forget to move your legs or accidentally eat your hand (though it would be an amusing sight =D).

PS: that is probably why some people at TGB spot me 'talking to myself' if i'm walking alone. Just to clarify, i am not crazy, okay? I'm multitasking =D

5. Don't waste your time.

Do you really need to spend all that time talking on the phone with your buddy?
Is it going to kill you if you don't gossip with your friends every single second you can spare?
Would your guts fall out if you don't watch 7 hours of television everyday?
Is it necessary to spend millenniums on Facebook, stalking  (don't look the other way. i know what you're up to o.O) other people's profiles to see what their up to?

So, do we really have too little time?
Or do we waste it too easily?

The End.


  1. You wrote this whole post in 15 minutes? Cause if you did, bravo to you! Love the observations you did, by the way. Really clears thing up for me. I waste to many time multitasking because I suck at it. Thanks for pointing that out to me. I will never do homework while Facebook-ing again!


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