
Blanked out trying to fill a form, then decided to blog (typical me).
Jadi, mengikut definisi Kamus Dewan, lemah lembut bererti elok perangai, halus budi pekerti, baik hati, berwajah ceria dan berlapang dada.
Rasulullah pernah bersabda maksudnya:
Truly, i am the kind of person that holds onto that, kelembutan dalam melakukan segala pekerjaan.
I believe in it (not saying i practice it as much as i want myself to).
Rasulullah merupakan contoh terbaik peribadi seorang yang lemah lembut, sehinggakan ada satu ketika, baginda sanggup meringkaskan bacaan dalam solat apabila mendengar bunyi bayi menangis kerana bimbang ibu bayi tersebut solat dalam kegelisahan.
Alangkah lemah lembutnya baginda.
Peribadi baginda ini banyak menarik orang untuk menganut agama Islam.
Dalam berdakwah, kita seharusnya bersikap lemah lembut,
and please do take note that it is not the same as LEMBIK.
Boleh saja kalau nak bersikap lemah lembut dan tegas pada sesuatu masa.
Jadi, macam mana kelembutan tersebut boleh menjadi kekuatan?
Untuk memupuk peribadi ini dalam diri, kita perlu menguatkan iman kepada Allah SWT dan banyakkan bersabar.
tips sabar di sini
Though kelembutan tidak dipandang sebagai suatu kekuatan, bagi saya, Ya, itu merupakan kekuatan.
It is not about how hard we can swing our swords, but more of how can we bring ourselves to be strong, on the inside.
It is true that chaining our emotions with a sturdy chain is much harder than it is to bind the strongest living creature on Earth (though it would help).
Some people do take the 'fire away' approach,
but suddle-'ness' may be the key.
Its true that being frank and open works, no doubt,
But we can only be any more human than we are.
Humans have egos, and breaking one would be a catastrophe.
kelembutan merupakan satu cara yang memerlukan kesabaran tetapi ia juga merupakan pendekatan yang baik.
Example of my life;
I have extremely naughty siblings, all young and lively (now i sound old).
It takes a lot of work to get the house looking (at least) appropriate.
Rumah yang dah sebetul-betulnya kemas, takes minutes for them to trash (and i am not kidding about the time).
Yes, they are kids. They scream and jump about the house like monkeys.
Yelling bad words at each other, smacking each other, fighting over toys.
Gosh, they even hit me when their angry. omo =.="
I tried the 'slow-talk' way. True, it does take patience, though i have never been able to stick to the slow-talk long enough for the house to stay calm.
And in the end, i'd bribe them with food or scold them (=.=").
That usually works but then they keep on doing the same thing over and over.
Till one day, i tried talking to one of my sisters who had just thrown a rampage, kicking and screaming as though she had been possessed.
It took me an extremely long time (my goodness) =.=" and she finally stopped.
the next time she decided to throw one, she held back.
It really does work, you just have to be strong enough to take in on the whole time.
So they keep doing it to purposely irritate you.
Apabila kita buat sesuatu dengan penuh berhikmah, lemah lembut dan melayan seseorang dengan baik,
InsyaAllah, akan mencetuskan keinsafan dan rasa malu di dalam hatinya (tanpa perlu kita menegur secara terus).
Thats the case with my siblings.
Be suddle and give them love, (obviously dalam cerita cartoon pun, love wins over hate ^_^).
Be considerate.
Plus, lemah lembut bukan sahaja untuk perempuan, lelaki pun sama (i know i keep saying this).
I have known a few guys yang lemah lembut without being lembik and all.
Jadi sama-samalah kita berdoa agar menjadi seorang yang lebih lemah-lembut. i want that too.
Tips untuk adik nakal: malam-malam, sebelum tidur, gosok kepala adik sambil membisik ayat seperti "adik nanti jadi baik ye, jangan naughty2, dengar cakap mak dengan abah"..
Stuff like that laa.
My mom taught me that.
i don't really do it that often because sometimes i laugh at myself for doing it but studies have shown that it works. You see, when you are asleep, the brain (or mind) is resting, NOT DEAD. so it can still take in some information.
Don't laugh =.=" just do it.
ps: had banana milkshake for breakfast. had to force myself to finish it.
UGH, either i am an extremely bad banana-milkshake maker or i just don't like it.
I'll stick with yogurt, thanks.
Okay, bye
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Blanked out trying to fill a form, then decided to blog (typical me).
Jadi, mengikut definisi Kamus Dewan, lemah lembut bererti elok perangai, halus budi pekerti, baik hati, berwajah ceria dan berlapang dada.
Rasulullah pernah bersabda maksudnya:
Allah itu bersifat lemah lembut
dan amat menyukai sifat lemah lembut dalam setiap urusan.
(Hadis riwayat
Bukhari & Muslim)Truly, i am the kind of person that holds onto that, kelembutan dalam melakukan segala pekerjaan.
I believe in it (not saying i practice it as much as i want myself to).
Rasulullah merupakan contoh terbaik peribadi seorang yang lemah lembut, sehinggakan ada satu ketika, baginda sanggup meringkaskan bacaan dalam solat apabila mendengar bunyi bayi menangis kerana bimbang ibu bayi tersebut solat dalam kegelisahan.
Alangkah lemah lembutnya baginda.
Peribadi baginda ini banyak menarik orang untuk menganut agama Islam.
Kita boleh ambil pengajaran. ^_^
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Strong o.o |
Dalam berdakwah, kita seharusnya bersikap lemah lembut,
and please do take note that it is not the same as LEMBIK.
Boleh saja kalau nak bersikap lemah lembut dan tegas pada sesuatu masa.
The two don't collide with each other.
Jadi, macam mana kelembutan tersebut boleh menjadi kekuatan?
Untuk memupuk peribadi ini dalam diri, kita perlu menguatkan iman kepada Allah SWT dan banyakkan bersabar.
tips sabar di sini
Bukan mudah untuk menerima hinaan dengan hati yang senang.
Neither is it easy to keep on preaching the same thing over and over knowing that nobody is listening.
The are times when we feel the sudden urge to burst into anger, find our hearts beating faster than ever.Though kelembutan tidak dipandang sebagai suatu kekuatan, bagi saya, Ya, itu merupakan kekuatan.
It is not about how hard we can swing our swords, but more of how can we bring ourselves to be strong, on the inside.
It is true that chaining our emotions with a sturdy chain is much harder than it is to bind the strongest living creature on Earth (though it would help).
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Just thought this picture's interesting |
Some people do take the 'fire away' approach,
but suddle-'ness' may be the key.
Its true that being frank and open works, no doubt,
But we can only be any more human than we are.
Humans have egos, and breaking one would be a catastrophe.
kelembutan merupakan satu cara yang memerlukan kesabaran tetapi ia juga merupakan pendekatan yang baik.
Example of my life;
I have extremely naughty siblings, all young and lively (now i sound old).
It takes a lot of work to get the house looking (at least) appropriate.
Rumah yang dah sebetul-betulnya kemas, takes minutes for them to trash (and i am not kidding about the time).
Yes, they are kids. They scream and jump about the house like monkeys.
Yelling bad words at each other, smacking each other, fighting over toys.
Gosh, they even hit me when their angry. omo =.="
I guess thats normal.
Sometimes, it just gets overwhelming. I tried the 'slow-talk' way. True, it does take patience, though i have never been able to stick to the slow-talk long enough for the house to stay calm.
And in the end, i'd bribe them with food or scold them (=.=").
That usually works but then they keep on doing the same thing over and over.
Till one day, i tried talking to one of my sisters who had just thrown a rampage, kicking and screaming as though she had been possessed.
It took me an extremely long time (my goodness) =.=" and she finally stopped.
the next time she decided to throw one, she held back.
It really does work, you just have to be strong enough to take in on the whole time.
Kelembutan itu sangat berhikmah.
Doing things too rash can sometimes be wrong because it triggers people to want to get even.So they keep doing it to purposely irritate you.
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Don't we all? |
InsyaAllah, akan mencetuskan keinsafan dan rasa malu di dalam hatinya (tanpa perlu kita menegur secara terus).
Thats the case with my siblings.
Be suddle and give them love, (obviously dalam cerita cartoon pun, love wins over hate ^_^).
Be considerate.
Plus, lemah lembut bukan sahaja untuk perempuan, lelaki pun sama (i know i keep saying this).
I have known a few guys yang lemah lembut without being lembik and all.
Two different things okay?
Jadi sama-samalah kita berdoa agar menjadi seorang yang lebih lemah-lembut. i want that too.
Tips untuk adik nakal: malam-malam, sebelum tidur, gosok kepala adik sambil membisik ayat seperti "adik nanti jadi baik ye, jangan naughty2, dengar cakap mak dengan abah"..
Stuff like that laa.
My mom taught me that.
i don't really do it that often because sometimes i laugh at myself for doing it but studies have shown that it works. You see, when you are asleep, the brain (or mind) is resting, NOT DEAD. so it can still take in some information.
Don't laugh =.=" just do it.

UGH, either i am an extremely bad banana-milkshake maker or i just don't like it.
I'll stick with yogurt, thanks.
Okay, bye