Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pergaulan (Part One)


Bosan juga ckp psl pergaulan ni, tp rasanya, zaman skarang nih, ni yg mengganggu kepala sikit kot. So thats what i am going to talk about.
I am going to break this into several parts, only because i dont want ONE post to get terribly long, even I get annoyed reading such posts. Haha

So, ada ape dengan pergaulan nih sebenarnya? Biasa lah. Targetnya, crowd muda sikit kot. Almaklumlah, nak ckp from an adults point of view, i'm not one myself.

Part One

Kita start dgn ni la ye. LOVE.
The thing or word that supposedly justifies pergaulan bebas or 'displays of affection'.
cinta nih tak salah pon. Semua org pon nak merasa cinta nih, tp ada lah caranya ken?
Nowadays, teenagers are just stuck in the barat2 way of love.
to love, means to do this and to do that.
its not that we are not AWARE of the wrong in what we are doing, we just seem to IGNORE the fact.
Every muslim knows that aurat perempuan sekian sekian, aurat lelaki pula sekian sekian.
Ask a six-year old and she would be able to answer.
The problem is, we dont have enough faith in Allah to restrain ourselves from such things.
And when we manage to, we only see the LARGE matters, ignore the petty ones.

Example, bersentuhan antara lelaki dan perempuan ajnabi itu salah, SANGAT SALAH, kata RAMAI org. But then brape ramai org yg ckp lelaki dan perempuan berckp tentang hal yang tak mustahak itu salah? Tak ramai.
Tak ada yang menghalalkan, cuma, ramai yg ambil ringan je.
"ala, bukannnya apa pon. Cakap je...."

Saya ni pon, bukannya baik sangat, banyak jugak buat. Saya tahu salah, tp kadang2, susah nak STOP. Kadang2, sedar tak sedar kita melampaui batas pergaulan yg ada. Sebab itulah kita mesti selalu diingatkan.
We are only normal beings, we are forgetful and we must be reminded.

Bila dah terlebih tu, cepat2 istighfar.
Susah juga, nanti ada yang cakap sombong. Tp jangan risau, Allah ada dengan kita.
Thats why we should tuntut ilmu bersungguh2.
Belajar bercakap dengan berhemah.
InsyaAllah, kalau cakap dengan kawan kita elok2, mesti dia faham.
Not necessarily RIGHT AWAY, but they will get it someday. ^_^ been there. InsyaAllah.
DO NOT BUTT IN LIKE A MAD PERSON. Islam itu kan indah, buktikan. :)

I am currently going through a self-detox, 'cuci diri' la lebih kurang.

Jom join sama. One step at a time.

First step: try to avoid chatting with the opposite sex kalau sekadar nak main2 and bosan. kalau nak bercakap jugak (memang susah sikit), cuba cari topik yang bermanfaat sikit untuk dibualkan. Kalau drastik sangat, tak LEKAT nanti.
Dont get upset with yourself if you stumble and buat silap skali sekala. Get up, istighfar and start over.

Allah mesti dah banyak tolong kita walaupun kita banyak buat salah, never gave up on us.
Lets not give up on Him.

Tunggu part two ye.

Lets pray for umat islam. Bangkit2.

ps; still new to this kind of thing, i am just a silly human being with a lot of mistakes.

click here for Part Two


  1. ami, apsal blog layout ko sme ngan ak? aiyoo.. kne tukar lg.. haha...

  2. ami , i'm facing the situation where its really hard to stop from socializing with diff gender .
    haiyoo . haha .
    really upsetting me , when i'm trying to avoid..there come boys ajak chitchatting =.='
    when accidentally TERcarry on with them ,
    baru tersedar and feels like "boleh tak nak pusing masa balik?" :O disappointed jgak laa dgn diri sendiri .
    but we are just an ordinary people kan .. mudah lupa .
    itu gunanya peringatan2 seperti ini :D
    thanks :)


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