Monday, February 27, 2012

Kelembutan Merupakan Kekuatan


Blanked out trying to fill a form, then decided to blog (typical me).

Jadi, mengikut definisi Kamus Dewan, lemah lembut bererti elok perangai, halus budi pekerti, baik hati, berwajah ceria dan berlapang dada. 

Rasulullah pernah bersabda maksudnya:

Allah itu bersifat lemah lembut dan amat menyukai sifat lemah lembut dalam setiap urusan. 
(Hadis riwayat Bukhari & Muslim)

Truly, i am the kind of person that holds onto that, kelembutan dalam melakukan segala pekerjaan.
I believe in it (not saying i practice it as much as i want myself to).

Rasulullah merupakan contoh terbaik peribadi seorang yang lemah lembut, sehinggakan ada satu ketika, baginda sanggup meringkaskan bacaan dalam solat apabila mendengar bunyi bayi menangis kerana bimbang ibu bayi tersebut solat dalam kegelisahan.
Alangkah lemah lembutnya baginda.
Peribadi baginda ini banyak menarik orang untuk menganut agama Islam.
Kita boleh ambil pengajaran. ^_^
Strong o.o

Dalam berdakwah, kita seharusnya bersikap lemah lembut,
and please do take note that it is not the same as LEMBIK.
Boleh saja kalau nak bersikap lemah lembut dan tegas pada sesuatu masa.
The two don't collide with each other.

Jadi, macam mana kelembutan tersebut boleh menjadi kekuatan?
Untuk memupuk peribadi ini dalam diri, kita perlu menguatkan iman kepada Allah SWT dan banyakkan bersabar.
tips sabar di sini
Bukan mudah untuk menerima hinaan dengan hati yang senang.
Neither is it easy to keep on preaching the same thing over and over knowing that nobody is listening.
The are times when we feel the sudden urge to burst into anger, find our hearts beating faster than ever.
Though kelembutan tidak dipandang sebagai suatu kekuatan, bagi saya, Ya, itu merupakan kekuatan.
It is not about how hard we can swing our swords, but more of how can we bring ourselves to be strong, on the inside.
It is true that chaining our emotions with a sturdy chain is much harder than it is to bind the strongest living creature on Earth (though it would help).
Just thought this picture's interesting

Some people do take the 'fire away' approach,
but suddle-'ness' may be the key.
Its true that being frank and open works, no doubt,
But we can only be any more human than we are.
Humans have egos, and breaking one would be a catastrophe.
kelembutan merupakan satu cara yang memerlukan kesabaran tetapi ia juga merupakan pendekatan yang baik.

Example of my life;

I have extremely naughty siblings, all young and lively (now i sound old).
It takes a lot of work to get the house looking (at least) appropriate.
Rumah yang dah sebetul-betulnya kemas, takes minutes for them to trash (and i am not kidding about the time).
Yes, they are kids. They scream and jump about the house like monkeys.
Yelling bad words at each other, smacking each other, fighting over toys.
Gosh, they even hit me when their angry. omo =.="
I guess thats normal.
Sometimes, it just gets overwhelming.
I tried the 'slow-talk' way. True, it does take patience, though i have never been able to stick to the slow-talk long enough for the house to stay calm.
And in the end, i'd bribe them with food or scold them (=.=").
That usually works but then they keep on doing the same thing over and over.
Till one day, i tried talking to one of my sisters who had just thrown a rampage, kicking and screaming as though she had been possessed.
It took me an extremely long time (my goodness) =.=" and she finally stopped.
the next time she decided to throw one, she held back. 

It really does work, you just have to be strong enough to take in on the whole time.

Kelembutan itu sangat berhikmah.
Doing things too rash can sometimes be wrong because it triggers people to want to get even.
So they keep doing it to purposely irritate you.

Don't we all?
Apabila kita buat sesuatu dengan penuh berhikmah, lemah lembut dan melayan seseorang dengan baik,
InsyaAllah, akan mencetuskan keinsafan dan rasa malu di dalam hatinya (tanpa perlu kita menegur secara terus).
Thats the case with my siblings.
Be suddle and give them love, (obviously dalam cerita cartoon pun, love wins over hate ^_^).
Be considerate.

Plus, lemah lembut bukan sahaja untuk perempuan, lelaki pun sama (i know i keep saying this).
I have known a few guys yang lemah lembut without being lembik and all.
Two different things okay?

Jadi sama-samalah kita berdoa agar menjadi seorang yang lebih lemah-lembut. i want that too.

Tips untuk adik nakal: malam-malam, sebelum tidur, gosok kepala adik sambil membisik ayat seperti "adik nanti jadi baik ye, jangan naughty2, dengar cakap mak dengan abah"..
Stuff like that laa.
My mom taught me that.
i don't really do it that often because sometimes i laugh at myself for doing it but studies have shown that it works. You see, when you are asleep, the brain (or mind) is resting, NOT DEAD. so it can still take in some information.
Don't laugh =.=" just do it.

ps: had banana milkshake for breakfast. had to force myself to finish it.
UGH, either i am an extremely bad banana-milkshake maker or i just don't like it.
I'll stick with yogurt, thanks.

Okay, bye

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012



Hari ini saya nak cakap tentang isu yang agak sensitive sikit, jadi saya mohon, everybody keep your mind open.

This is not targeted towards anybody specifically, just to those who consider themselves muslims.
Just a reminder for you and I, okay. ^_^
I’ll start off cool this time. *hihi beaming*

Well that’s said, so how does it go?

Hmmm, everybody has their approach to handling kes mengenai aurat ni.

Some, daripada tak pakai tudung, terus pakai tutup litup segala, siap berpurdah.
Orang macam nih, Alhamdulillah lah. Dia ada kekuatan nak buat macam tu.

But how about orang yang common macam kita ni? Tengok tudung labuh, purdah, taking the first step pun gerun. Ya tak?

Well, never say never. Allah sahaja yang mengetahui.

I remember telling my sister (who is my bestfriend since we are only one year apart),

“Kak Long rasa sampai bila-bila pun Kak Long takkan pakai tudung labuh yang bulat tu. Setakat pakai tudung tiga segi yang labuh ni, okay lah.”

Well, how ironic, a couple of days later

 “Mak, Kak Long nak pakai tudung labuh bulat”.


We don’t know how things will turn out or how our path with unravel. 
 Kita kan cuma hamba Allah. ^_^ (that is not an excuse to just redha and just let things happen)
So, to those yang rasa macam nak take a further step, but don’t know where to step, hopefully this will help you.

Muslimah sekalian (Lelaki scroll ke bawah lagi).

1.       1. Make sure that whatever parts that are already covered as it is, is covered PROPERLY.
Example 1; yang sememangnya pakai tudung, pastikan tak jarang dan labuh yang cukup syarat etc.
Example 2; kalau yang tak pakai tudung tu, pastikan baju yang pakai tak ketat. (I am not saying that I am encouraging you to feel okay about not wearing the hijab, I am just trying to make the transition less-drastic to you so you don’t feel it that much. Okay? ^_^)

2     2. Take steps as drastic as you can handle. If you can’t go from not wearing a hijab, to wearing a niqab (its isnt compulsory) in one day, don’t. Baby steps are okay, just keep it moving. Try to find the strength okay, please. =)

okay, this is WAY too colourful
3.       3. Don’t worry about not being stylish and all. There is no Hadith or such (correct if wrong) that states pakai tudung labuh bulat and jubah as menutup aurat. The focus is on the action, not how we do it. =) sama juga, kita tak wajib pakai stoking, but find a way somehow to cover your feet as they are a part of your aurah. To some people, tudung labuh yang jahit depan tu tak nampak bergaya lah, apa lah. I certainly don’t mind because I never was the kind yang suka bergaya sangat but then, some nak melaram kan? 

So macam nih, perempuan sekarang susah nak cari baju kan? Baju yang labuh melepasi paras punggung tu, ya Allah, susahnya nak cari, melainkan baju muslimah (which honestly, I’m not much of a fan of). But thank goodness, akhir2 ini, banyak pula yang jual fesyen baju yang labuh (tapi lengan pendek tu). So dears, improvise, use your imagination, ada caranya tu.

Untuk bahagian tudung, dulu fesyen tudung bawal yang *swish *swish* dua hujung tudung tu pin jadi butterfly or pin ke belakang je kan? 
So there wasn’t much to do because tudung bawal yang tersedia kecil tu akan jadi lagi pendek bila buat macam tu. Apa jawapannya? SELENDANG.

Selendang Pashmina is currently in the trend kan (correct me if I’m wrong)?
When I started working in UKM, I wore the pashmina to work.
Went to bed really late trying to figure out how to wrap it around my head for it to be labuh enough. Then I came up with something.
Maybe I’ll post it on this blog with pictures and everything of how I do it so maybe (if you want) you can use that way of wearing the pashmina. ^_^

Now about trousers, hmm, if you simply cannot resist wearing tight jeans (I am not talking about skinny jeans yah. I’m talking about straight cut), please do find a way of melabuhkan lagi baju. Maybe you can wear those cute mini dresses with a cardigan or something, haha you’re the expert. ^_^

kecik2 lagi dah pandai
Stokings, I don’t know, I find them cute. Haha pakai lah yang berwarna-warni tu. Comel apa.

.       4.Ikhlaskan hati kerana Allah S.W.T. Seronok kan, Allah sayang kita. Hati pun tenang je tau.

.       5. Makeup. Tak tau nak ulas macam mana. Seriously, you are all pretty and lovely as you are. You don’t need all that makeup. Bersederhanalah ye teman-temanku. I quote a friend’s mother “A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear”. Hoho, senyum tu sedekah. Plus, free je. ^_^ Awesome kan?

Muslimin sekalian (there’s really not much to say)

Baju nih, serious smart =)
       1. Saya rasa, tak perlu nak cakap aurat tu bahagian mana because I am pretty sure you know. Guys, future leaders, tunjukkanlah contoh yang baik ye. Aurat lelaki kalau nak dibandingkan dengan aurat perempuan, sangat sedikit (namun bukan alasan untuk dipandang remeh). That’s why it’s a bit frustrating when guys choose to not cover them properly anyway. It’s not much, you can wear those seluar pendek tiga suku  and you can just walk out of your house, without a shirt on (though that would be undeniably inappropriate).
Long pants look fine on you, I mean it =). 
Skinny jeans, hmm (BIG NO), they just look awkward you see (on guys and girls).

     2. Some, not all, like to wear shirts with vulgar words (or carry a similar meaning). It’s definitely not awesome (does this sound harsh? I’m not sure. Sorry =(). By doing that, you’re sending off the wrong message. People try not to judge, but it’s a bit difficult if you are giving them the reason to judge you anyway. What would you say if you saw Ustaz Azhar Idrus walking on the streets wearing a shirt that says “%@*%$!!!”? 
      The symbols show an inappropriate meaning itself (the actual words are out of the question).

3.       3. Kain pelekat. Pakai lah elok2 ye. Ada bahayanya juga. =) I will elaborate no further than that.

The End

So my dear friends, berusahalah ye? Sama-sama lah kita jadi hamba Allah yang bersyukur dengan nikmat rupa paras indah dan cukup sifat dengan cara menutup aurat. 

Kesian dengan orang yang menilai dan bersangka buruk dengan kita. Orang yang baik tetapi tidak berpakaian sedemikian hanya memberikan ruang untuk orang memfitnah sahaja (nanti orang yang memfitnah tu dapat dosa pula).

I don’t mean to offend anybody. Kalau ada yang terasa kerana cara nasihat atau penerangan yang tidak cukup berhemah, saya mohon maaf. Saya cuma hamba yang banyak membuat kesilapan. But I certainly will not apologise when it comes to the message that I am trying to get across. 

PS: I do make mistakes. If I am wrong, you are more than welcome to correct me ^_^. I’d be cool with that, TOTALLY COOL. =)
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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Surat Untuk My Dear Future Husband

Well here  comes the post. DON’T JUDGE.
Its just a form of teguran untuk Kaum Adam di luar sana (that includes you cik Fahmi sayaang).

Not interested? other posts;
Judging A Book By Its Cover
Tips Pupuk Sifat Sabar
How I Decided To Change
Pergaulan (part one)
Pergaulan (part two)
Berani Kerana Benar

Nak panggil apa ni?

Lets keep it real, Abang. Okay? (well im gonna write anyway).

Kehadapan Abang yang tersayang BHAHAHAHA sorry can’t help myself XDD okay2, lets get serious (By the way, its plain italic because it seemed more appropriate ^_^).

Assalamualaikum abang,
Abang apa khabar hari ini? Dah solat belum? Hari ni dah baca Al-Quran belum? Jangan lupa tau. Kalau bukan abang, siapa lagi yang nak bimbing saya nanti? Takpe2, abang jangan risau. Saya sekarang ni sedang berusaha menjaga diri saya sebaik mungkin. We don’t want you complaining pulak getting a wife like me, ken?

First of all, saya nak minta satu bende boleh? Abang, jangan merokok tau. Jagalah kesihatan tu. I don’t want to kill the environment using air refreshners (oh well environment, DIE! DIE!). Abang rasa hebat kot merokok tu, tapi saya rasa mesti saya menangis kat dalam kalaulah abang merokok. Kalau abang meninggal muda-muda, siapa nak teman saya kat rumah? Saya tak nak tengok abang bunuh diri slow-slow. So, jangan eh. Pleasseee. Kalau abang ada masalah, tak payah merokok. Meh kita pergi dapur, saya masakkan untuk abang sedap2. Abang nak makan apa? Nanti saya belajar macam mana nak masak makanan favourite abang tu, ye.

Abang, abang jagalah diri elok-elok. Mencarut tu, kurangkanlah. Saya tau, susah tapi takpe, trying is better than nothing kan? Serious bang, tak cool pon. Kalau abang ajak saya solat berjemaah, SERIOUS SUPER DUPER COOL. Sejuuuk hati saya. Tidak ke awesome macam tu. Mecarut tak dapat apa2. Ajak solat berjemaah, pahala bertambah, sayang saya kat abang pun bertambah. Tak mahu ke? Tapi takpe, jangan risau, saya tak pressure abang pun. =)

Abang, jangan risau pasal nak belajar buat ayat jiwang2 tuh semua, saya tak kisah pun, SERIOUS. Nak bukak pintu untuk saya pun tak perlu. Thanks, but I am quite capable of opening my own doors =). If you insist, I insist too (Kalau saya nak bukak pintu sendiri, bagilah eh,  saya memang macam tu). But what would make me happy (like sky-high level), is kalau abang bagi saya tazkirah lepas solat jemaah. Tak pun, kita baca surat cinta dari Allah sama2. Sikit pun cukup. Ilmu bertambah, bolehlah kita masuk syurga sama2 ye.

Kalau saya buat salah apa2, abang tegurlah ye. Saya nih, almaklumlah, cuai dan pelupa. Maybe saya merajuk tapi jangan panic, saya merajuk tak lama pun. Merajuk lama2 ni tak seronok, baik saya blackmail abang belanja saya makan Domino’s, lagi untung. Hee =) haa, kalau saya tegur abang pun, janganlah merajuk (sebab saya tak reti nak pujuk. Abang nak Domino’s?). Tapi jangan risau, saya tak suka marah2. Saya suka tulis surat. I am aware how childish that is, but then you have no choice but to put up with me la kan? After all, I am your ‘beloved’ wife. ^_^

Now that we still haven’t found each other, abang rajin2lah cari ilmu. Janganlah banyak sangat pergi karaoke dan tengok wayang. Hidup ni pendek je bang. You surely don’t want to teach our children ‘How awesome Angelina Jolie was in her latest movie’ right? Tapi kalau nak ajar juga, takpe lah. Sekurang-kurangnya, biarlah sama banyak dengan ilmu agama. =)

Last but not least,
Saya cuma nak cakap, abang janganlah sedih takut-takut saya pernah or masih suka mana-mana lelaki selain abang. Serious, sampai hari ini that seat is still reserved for you. Jangan kata lelaki lain nak duduk situ, nak pegang kerusi tu pun, saya tak bagi. So, don’t worry. 

Abang, nanti abang jumpa saya, tak usahlah push untuk berjumpa dan keluar berdua. Saya takut kurang selesa dan saya tak nak buat abang rasa malu sebab tolak pelawaan abang. Takpe, tak perlu ambil hati saya, saya okay je, cukup abang ambil hati mak dengan abah saya. Biarlah semua yang jadi tu halal ye bang. Restu Allah tu penting. =)

 Surat ni pendek je (i think). kalau tulis semua, nanti dah kahwin nanti, saya nak cakap apa? so pendek pun jadilah ye.

PS: Abang, saya memang suka menyanyi semasa memasak. Kalau abang tak tahan, abang pergi tengok tv sebab saya memang macam ni. Jangan marah ye. ^_^

Hooray, that’s that.
Kalau ada comment, haa, cakaplah.

oh by the way, Fahmi is my brother so jangan misinterpret okay. ^_^

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Monday, February 13, 2012

Being Healthy Is A Way Of Islam


Lately I've been a yogurt freak.
I eat half a tube of yogurt everyday.
So i googled it (i google EVERYTHING) and turns out, its pretty healthy for you.
Which is always a plus (its so yummy) because i'm not one of those who go on diets. if i dont eat, it just means i'm too lazy to fix something up in the kitchen.
healthy and yummy is good.
I've never been a winner when it comes to being healthy. im more of the neutral kind.
You see, i may eat like a tasmanian devil but i exercise like one too (i find it extremely fun and i mean it). and that balances it (atleast i hope it does haha).

However, sunnah nabi pun ada health tips. AWESOME kan?

Don't worry this won't happen.
1. bangun sebelum subuh.
This keeps your mind alert and seronok sebab bangun dalam keadaan sejuk, senyap.
Many (especially teenagers) have a problem with this, the key is, sleeping early, ambil wuduk and baca tiga Qul sebelum tidur.

2.menahan marah dan bersabar
yang ni, saya dah terangkan dalam ni -----> tips sabar

3. berhenti makan sebelum kenyang.

It really is healthy to do so. studies have shown that eating 6 small meals a day is better than 3 large ones.
Our mind doesn't really receive the message that we are full untill 20 minutes have passed.

chinese bowl. ^_^
experiment: just try it. 
try eating a little (dont be sarcastic by eating one mouthful only, yaa =.=), about one small chinese bowl is enough (atleast for me THAT's a little). 

You may feel like you still are hungry, but just wait for half an hour.
Do something else while waiting.
After the waiting period is over, drink a glass of water (non-carbonated please).
Seriously, i didn't feel like eating after that.(and it has nothing to do with the fact that i am a girl because i hold the family record of eating nine platefuls of rice during dinner. and i aint kidding).

4.Walk a lot.

What i suggest is just leisure-walking around, listening to your MP.
Kalau mahu pahala lebih, dengarlah zikir, ayat al-quran.
Kalau mahu tambah ilmu, dengar ceramah (recommended-ustaz azhar).
i can listen to ustaz azhar for hours and learn a lot plus not feel bored AT ALL.

PS: use the stairs (i avoid them because i'm kind of scared of them and 'healthiness' is the perfect excuse to use the stairs).

5. Mementingkan kebersihan.

-bilik yang bersepah tu, kemas la. ^_^
-kuku jangan biarkan panjang (kalau silap tak sah air wuduk kan naye).
-kerap bersugi (gosok gigi)
-misai (for those who have them) tu, trim sampai kemas.

wah: macam ni baru boleh buat nabi bangga. =D

6.Memaafkan orang lain

there's no use hanging on to things that have already happened so, just let it go.

So there you go, selamat beramal.

Oh, wait.
Hehe, this is my favourite drink at the moment.

mine is thicker. yipee
Orange yogurt drink

*makes about 400ml plus depending on how much water you put in (i dont)

-1 peeled orange per person
-4 tablespoons of plain yogurt per person
-1 tablespoons of sugar per person
-water-if preferred

steps ( this will be so short);
1. put everything in a blender (except water) and whizz away. serve in a glass and tadaaa!!

(if you use a hand-held blender you can just blend in the cup, like i do. ^_^)

*you can add water if you want it to be thinner but since i take it as breakfast, i prefer it thick and goopy.
super super sedap, serious. ehem2, alhamdulillah.

ok, bye.

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Friday, February 10, 2012

Judging A Book By Its Cover


Cantik tak bererti indah, tak juga bererti sampah.
'Hodoh' tak bererti sampah, tak juga bererti indah.
Crappy poetry but its better than nothing. Hee =)

"I like being her friend because she is pretty"

'I'd rather not be his friend because he is super FAT"

As cruel as it seems, yes, some people do think like this and it is harsh.
ah-ha, the world is full of tricks and lies. Dont get caught up, please.

Everything happens for a reason, stick to this and life is almost a breeze. :)
Semua hamba Allah ada konfik masing-masing, some smaller than others, some larger.
Allah tau kemampuan kita, kalau Allah uji, maksudnya WE CAN.
Rupa paras yang indah merupakan suatu ujian,
Rupa paras yang 'hodoh' juga merupakan ujian.
Tetapi sebetulnya, semua ciptaan Allah itu indah.
There's bound to be that silver lining somewhere.
Ada tu, you just have to stay positive. ^_^

Sometimes, it's pretty tiring sitting with people who spend their days miserably, and keep giving negative remarks on their appearances. things like;

i'm not pretty.

i'm ugly.

i'm fat.

My skintone is like a burnt frying pan. (ohoho, i've heard this one, seriously).

Penat, kan? Trying to convince a person that he/she is not dead ugly, is hard when they are convinced that they are.
You feel bad and want to help, but end up in an awkward silence (crickets maybe?) because you're out of words.
Happened to you? o.o" OMO.

So, what have i to say about this?

try thinking about your condition and how it can benefit you.
you must be thinking, "Ami is talking rubbish".
well, i may be, but i may also not be.

Say you're not that pretty (ugly is a harsh word, folks).
apa kelebihannya?
 Lebih terhindar daripada perbuatan maksiat, ken?
Normally, orang2 yang good-looking ni lebih terdorong (doesnt apply for all the good-looking people, just some) untuk buat perkara yang tak elok sebab dah lemas dengan pujian.

Orang indah rupa paras lebih terdorong untuk ber'couple' waktu zaman belajar sebab semua orang terkejar-kejar, almaklumlah, kecik2 pemikiran masih lagi cetek (tak ada niat menyindir lansung, SERIOUS).

Then comes the phenomena tentang pemakaian baju yang tidak menutup aurat.
How many times do we come across iklan such as 'London Weight Management'?
Look at the before and after pictures.
Aurah perfectly covered when gemuk, tapi bila dah kurus, pakai seksi2. =(
Maybe ada sebab Allah bagi kita gemuk.
Bersyukurlah sebab gemuk.
Yes, memanglah gemuk tu tak sihat tapi sometimes, gemuk tu bagus (okay, ayat ni bunyinya pelik).

Kepada yang berupa paras indah, manfaatkanlah dengan sebaiknya.
Looks play a good role in communication,
insyaAllah, dakwah dan ilmu lebih mudah disampaikan.
Berdoalah agar dijauhi daripada godaan syaitan dan berdoalah diberi kekuatan untuk mengingati Allah SWT.

Do not judge a book by its cover.
Kalau kita tengok orang tak tutup aurat dengan elok, ber'couple' sana-sini, jangan nilai dengan sewenang-wenangnya.
Kita tak tahu apa-apa.
Kita yang rupa tidak seberapa, tak ada hak nak pinggir kawan kita (pretty/handsome) sebab ber'couple' (contohnya laa).
Mana tahu, kalau kita dikurniakan dengan rupa paras yang seeloknya, kita lebih teruk daripadanya?
Doakanlah. Ajaklah buat benda2 yang elok. Seronok juga =).

At the end of the day, people don't care about looks.
Looks may be the reason people get interested in the first place, but it's what's on the inside that makes them stay, correct?

A pretty heart is better than a pretty face,
if you have both, alhamdulillah. 
Bersyukurlah, gunakan dengan sebaiknya.

We are who we choose to be, not who we were born as.
There's no need to be proud of a pretty face, or be ashamed of a 'less-pretty' face because it was something you got, without any effort at all.
Be proud of what we have become, because we worked hard to get there.
Fair enough? ^_^

PS: sorry guna perkataan GEMUK , n HODOH n UGLY. dont mean anything, let alone to discriminate. i just want to be clear.


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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tips Pupuk Sifat Sabar


Hari ini saya nak bercakap tentang sabar.
Sabar ni bagus sangat2 (i am pretty sure you know that = =).
Tapi, senangkah nak pupuk sifat nih?
you know those kind of days where you say "eh, esok aku nak jadi orang yang sabar lah" and then the next day CHINNG!! you are a patient person?
Well, this isnt one of those days (so negative, yet so true).
Sabar ni, ambil masa untuk dipupuk.
Its not like a gift that someone can drop off on your doorstep.
mestilah ada usaha, ya tak? ^_^

People lose respect if you lose your temper
so, apa tips-tips nak pupuk sifat sabar ni? (or atleast for the time being, tahan dari lepas marah in the wrong ways).

1. Melatih diri untuk bersifat baik dan positif spt lemah lembut (and this doesnt apply only for perempuan, lelaki pun sama), baik hati, sabar, tenang dlm menghadapi apa2 situasi.

i am sure we often find ourselves in tight situations, ones that put stress on us. take a deep breath and SABAR.
don't let it ruin your day. Jangan jadi moody, nanti kalau ada yang terasa dengan sikap kita yang macam tu, ken susah. Dah tambah satu masalah lagi.
One thing that i have learnt through experience is that you can't always act out based on how you feel. Just because you had a bad day, doesnt justify getting all cranked up over hal yang kecil-kecil.
why this picture? coz i like it. ^_^
Instead, find a way to express your emotions.
I usually resolve to writing poems and drawing. Back in college, i would let it go during taekwondo meetings. =D
Kalau nak lagi elok, baca al-quran. lagi bagus. ^_^ sejuk hatii.
Yes, it does help, though sometimes not entirely. like i always say, something is better than nothing.

Tak berbaloi marah-marah ni. =)

Something i've discovered, kalau rasa macam nak marah-marah, senyum. insyaAllah rasa lagi baik.
research has shown, anger only lasts for a few short minutes, the rest is just emotions. bisikan syaitan mungkin?
jadi bertuturlah menggunakan kata-kata yang elok, jiwa pun mudah tenang.

2. be strong. when you feel angry, remind yourself about the bad outcomes of expressing anger the wrong way. cuba ingat-ingatkan diri kembali tentang kebaikan bersabar dan memaafkan kesalahan orang lain.

kalau kawan merajuk, ken dah susah kena pujuk.
mungkin kita rasa tergerak untuk marah-marah, tapi, jangan.
how many times have you thrown a rampage and felt bad about it afterwards?
how many times have you decided to forgive someone and realised that it was only a small matter to get angry about?
almost all the time isnt it?
Lagi pun, nanti menjejaskan tali silaturahim pula.
If everybody in the world melayan je rasa marah tu, friends would turn into enemies, married couples would be divorced, brothers and sisters would be killing each other (especially this one =.=).
so, bersabarlah.

3. berdoalah kepada Allah supaya menjauhkan kita daripada godaan dan bisikan syaitan.

i think this one is self-explanitory.
accept the fact, without Allah, we are nothing.
He is always there, even when we arent.
He will listen to us.

4. ambil wudhuk.
jangan membazirkan air

Praktikkanlah cara berwudhuk yang sempurna.
Ada banyak manfaatnya.
Kalau marah, hati tak tenang, cepat2 pergi lari ke bilik air untuk ambil air wudhuk.
Biasakan. Tak susah kalau kita percaya. ^_^

ps: ada ilmu, kita amalkan. insyaAllah.
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