well, like i said, here is part two.
take a deep breath and get ready to suck some knowledge in. *wink wink..ehem2, insyaAllah.
Part Two
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Perempuan dengan perempuan pon ada
Lelaki dengan lelaki pon ada.
Berkawan tu pon pergaulan juga.
Everything is balanced. Kalau pergaulan 'tak bagus' tu wujud, mesti pergaulan 'bagus' pun ada. =)
(i wanted to show an example picture, but then, tak elok la tunjuk gambar orang dedah aurat =.=")
So, teddy bear picture will do. haha
Mesti jaga batas, mesti ikut adab2 tertentu, ya tak?
tak semestinya dengan kawan sama jantina, tak perlu jaga aurat.
But like i mentioned in my post Pergaulan (Part One), we KNOW already.
But KNOWing and DOing are two VERY different things. agreed?
We ALL want the best for our friends. Kalau tidak, takkan lah namanya kawan, ken?
so, nasihatlah kearah kebaikan.

It is pretty obvious that doing good things is easier than staying away from bad ones.
Hey, at least we're doing SOMETHING. =) isnt that a satisfaction on its own?
or, for the superior, improve for the better.
No need to say a word, just DO.
see? actions are better than words. Heee ;D
good or bad, they are still your friends and friends complete each other. ^_^
You may be better than them in ONE way, but they could be better than you in MANY other ways.
Who is the bad end; you or your friend?
Thats just it, we don't know.
Allah SWT je yang berhak tentukan.
Maybe kita rasa kita ni baik, but then kita dapat confirmekan ke?
Apa bukti kawan kita tu kurang baiknya? tak ada ken?
The same applies kalau kita kawan dengan orang yang kita rasakan lebih baik daripada kita. how do we know? So, sama2 lah kita saling memperbaiki diri.
We know our weaknesses, we know what we have done wrong, so....fix it. simple.
fix it slow and steady. istiqamah adalah yang terpenting.
Allah lebih suka usaha kecil yang dilakukan secara istiqamah berbanding usaha besar yang tidak ada istiqamahnya.
one way i like to put it is; something to do with a nail and a hammer.
If you hit FULL FORCE on the first strike with the hammer, you take long breaks because you get tired. Plus, there is the additional risk of cracking the wood.
Tak kukuh lah kalau macam tu. ya tak?
Cuba kalau kita ketuk slow2, kita pun kurang penatnya, n there is less risk of cracking the wood.
Therefore, lagi kukuh lah.=) *cheer cheer*
=.=" apa punya perumpamaan lah Ami nih...
So take things SLOW and EASY.
Step two to self-detox: Ajaklah kawan ke arah kebaikan. kalau kawan kita nasihat, terimalah dengan baik.
Its normal to be offended, but COME ON, how long are we going to let our ego come between us? no no.
Not going to happen. Friends are much more worth than that, don't you think?
PS: OH MY GOSH, blogging is much more awesome-er than facebook. who would have known? O.O
click here for Pergaulan (Part One)
will there be a part three? INSYAALLAH.=)
Memang blogging lagi best. I once did some blogging but now I have stopped :D
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